Thursday, November 20, 2008
Tips dr. Cantik Hadapi Penyakit di saat musim hujan
Untuk mencegah berbagai penyakit yang datang, Dokter yang selalu menjaga kecantikannya ini mengungkapkan beberapa tips yang dapat kita lakukan untuk mencegah penyakit.
Tips dr. Sonia Wibisono Hadapi Penyakit di saat musim hujan:
1. Hindari Rokok
2. Minum air putih yang banyak
3. Makan makanan yang bergizi (4 sehat 5 sempurna)
4. Istirahat dan Tidur yang cukup (minimal 8 jam perhari)
5. Olah raga yang teratur
6. Minum atau makan herbal-herbal seperti Jahe
Khusus anak-anak, Dokter yang juga sering disibukan sebagai presenter, model iklan serta penulis menjelaskan bahwa anak-anak perlu ditambah multivitamin dan susu. Istri dari Robert Adhi Wardhana mengaku sangat menjaga kesehatan anak-anak yang menjadi buah hatinya disaat kondisi seperti ini.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Harga Premium Turun Per 1 Des 2008

Kamis, 06 November 2008 17:46 WIB, Jakarta: Pemerintah akhirnya menurunkan harga premium sebesar Rp 500 menjadi Rp 5.500 per liter. Harga baru berlaku 1 Desember 2008. Demikian disampaikan Menteri Koordinator Perekonomian Sri Mulyani Indrawati di Istana Kepresidenan, Kamis (6/11) sekitar pukul 17.00 WIB.
Menurut Sri, keputusan dilakukan sejalan dengan penurunan harga minyak mentah di pasar internasional. Harga minyak dunia kini berada di bawah US$ 70 per barel.
Harga premium Rp 5.500 adalah harga termurah di Asia. Lantaran itu pemerintah tak khawatir keputusan ini akan memicu penyelundupan. Penurunan harga, tambah Sri, akan membantu masyarakat di tengah krisis global saat ini.(***)

Dewi Sandra & UU Pornografi
Dewi Sandra Tak Takut UU Pornografi
Cassaurina Dwi Rahayu - detikhot
Dewi Sandra (fta/hot)
"Selama ini pakaian saya masih pantas," ujar Dewi saat ditemui di peluncuran lipstick baru dari Martha Tilaar di Equinox Plaza Senayan, Jakarta, Kamis (6/11/2008) malam.
Menyoal UU Pornografi, istri Glenn Fredly itu melihat undang-undang tersebut mengadung sejumlah ketidakjelasan . Misalnya batasan soal berpakaian.
"Yang nggak boleh itu apa, rok mini, tak top, kan nggak ada tulisannya," tutur Dewi.
Bagi Dewi, UU Pornografi seharusnya secara jelas memberi batasan mana yang porno dan tidak. Ia khawatir jika hal itu tidak ada, masyarakat bisa membuat persepsi sendiri. Ujungnya, ia khawatir masyarakat main hakim sendiri.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Guru menari striptease murid bersorak
SEJUMLAH orang tua yang merasa gusar menuntut salah satu pengajar perempuan agar dipecat dari sebuah sekolah di Hungaria barat karena memeragakan tarian telanjang (striptease) di depan murid-muridnya yang baru berusia 15 tahun. Guru asal Jerman ini seharusnya bertugas mengawasi sebuah pesta awal semester.
Namun, keadaan justru berada di luar kendali saat ibu guru yang berparas cantik ini justru mempertontonkan tarian yang seharusnya tak layak disaksikan oleh murid-muridnya yang masih remaja itu. Dengan gaya yang menggoda, ibu guru ini terus melepas baju yang dikenakan di tengah sorakan para murid-muridnya.
Ibu guru ini melepaskan bajunya untuk mempertontonkan bagian payudara yang masih tertutup pakaian dalamnya sebelum kemudian membuka risleting roknya. Seorang pengajar lain yang mendapati aksi itu bergegas mengurungkan niat si ibu guru dan menutupi tubuhnya dengan taplak meja. Namun sebelum tarian yang diiringi alunan musik itu usai, salah satu murid yang terbelalak menyaksikan apa yang ada di depan matanya sempat mengabadikan pertunjukkan itu di kamera ponselnya.
"Sungguh menjijikkan. Guru macam apa bertindak seperti itu di depan murid. Ia seharusnya menari seperti itu di bar, bukan di sekolah," ucap salah satu orang tua yang meluapkan amarahnya.
"Saat anak-anak menantangnya untuk menari striptease ia malah mulai melucuti bajunya. Guru yang cantik jelita di usia 20-an tahun itu menyuguhkan tarian yang tak disangka-sangka akan dilakukan di hadapan muridnya," keluh beberapa orang tua lain.
Namun, kepala sekolah di Zalaegerszeg, Hungaria barat, menolak untuk memecat ibu guru yang tak disebut namanya itu meskipun mendapatkan tekanan dari kalangan orang tua dan beberapa guru lain."Saya terpaksa memberikan teguran ke guru asal Jerman tersebut, namun aku tak akan memecatnya karena ia merupakan guru berprestasi di sekolah kami," kata kepala sekolah Sandor Rozman.
"Ia tak sampai mencopot seluruh pakaiannya seperti yang dilakukan oleh sejumlah orang di pantai," demikian alasan Sandor Rozman untuk tak memecat salah satu gurunya itu.
Buang Sial, Dukun Hisap Kemaluan Pasien
Sekjen Majelis Keselamatan Negeri Selangor Nasirrahman Saad Khiruddin mengatakan, aliran sesat itu melakukan kegiatan secara sembunyi-sembunyi dan sering berganti nama sehingga menyulitkan Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (JAIS) mengambil tindakan, demikian harian Utusan Malaysia, Senin.
Dalam kesempatan itu, Nasirrahman mengungkapkan, ada seorang dukun (bomoh) di kawasan Ampang, Selangor, ditenggarai mengobati pasiennya dengan cara menghisap kemaluan pasien untuk membuang sial.
"Kami bersama JAIS kini sedang aktif dan serius menyelidiki aktivitas dukun penipu ini," katanya
Kumpulan aliran sesat yang populer saat ini Gerakan Negara Islam Indonesia, Black Metal, dan pertubuhan Al-Arqam yang kini memakai nama lain. Gerakan mereka tidak ada kantor pusatnya dan bergerak dalam masyarakat sehingga sukar bagi majelis keselamatan melakukan serbuan, ungkap Nasirrahman.Menurut Nasirrahman, aliran sesat itu mampu memengaruhi kepercayaan penduduk kampung, termasuk golongan profesional. Hingga saat ini kami masih mengumpulkan bukti dan membuat pemantauan untuk mengambil tindakan.
"Kami tidak mau ajaran ini menular di kalangan umat Islam lain karena apa yang dipraktikkan jelas berbeda dan bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam," kata dia.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Gus Dur Terus Serukan Golput

Selasa, 28 Oktober 2008 09:20 WIB, Semarang: Ketua Umum Dewan Syuro Dewan Pimpinan Pusat Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB) Kiai Haji Abdurrahman Wahid atau Gus Dur, kembali menyerukan agar kader PKB pro Gus Dur tidak memilih alias golput dalam Pemilu 2009. Gus Dur menilai PKB kubunya yang sah, tidak diikutsertakan dalam pesta demokrasi lima tahunan ini.
Gus Dur terus menyuarakan golput di sela-sela halal bihalal PKB Gus Dur, di Kantor Dewan Pimpinan DPW PKB, di Semarang, Jawa Tengah. Dihadapan ribuan kader PKB, Gus Dur kembali menegaskan niatnya untuk golput pada pemilu 2009. Langkah ini diambil karena PKB yang berada di bawah Gus Dur dengan Ketua Dewan Tanfidz Ali Masykur Musa, tidak ikut serta sebagai peserta pemilu 2009.
Sementara mengenai klaim PKB Kubu Muhaimin, yang menyatakan banyak anggota PKB yang mundur dari daftar caleg sementara, semata-mata karena berada di nomor urut buncit, tidak benar. Sebab banyak kader PKB yang tetap percaya kepemimpinan Gus Dur, dan memilih mundur dari pencalegan PKB Muhaimin.(RIZ)
Friday, October 24, 2008
Berhenti Merokok ?
Mungkin suatu saat link ini harus dicoba buat yang mau berhenti merokok.
aku sih pengen berhenti tapi kadang kadang kalau lagi suntuk memang merokok meringankan pikiran. ( mungkin karena terbius ya)
Mitos tentang Merokok
Suatu hari di tempat praktek ada seorang pasien berkata, “Dok, saya mencari obat untuk berhenti merokok. Saya sudah kecanduan banget. Ngga bisa berhenti nih!” Hmm, andai saja ada pabrik obat yang menjual “Obat berhenti merokok” dan orang benar-benar bisa berhenti merokok karenanya.
Merokok merupakan masalah klasik yang sudah lama menghiasi kehidupan manusia. Meski rata-rata perokok sudah mengetahui bahwa rokok dapat menyebabkan penyakit jantung, impotensi, kanker dan lain-lain -seperti yang tertulis pada setiap akhir iklan rokok (walaupun hanya sesaat), namun kenyataannya orang masih saja merokok. Ironisnya, akibat yang ditimbulkan bukan hanya bagi mereka yang menghisapnya, perokok pasif juga harus menanggung beban ini. Ada banyak alasan yang digunakan perokok ketika disarankan untuk berhenti. Dan alasan-alasan tersebut kini menjadi mitos yang harus dipatahkan! Nah, berikut adalah mitos-mitos seputar rokok:
Mitos 1: Dengan merokok saya terlihat macho/sexyTepatnya, pabrik rokok mengharapkan anda berpikir seperti itu. Mungkin awalnya memang iya, tapi tunggu saja. Merokok dapat menimbulkan kulit keriput dan gigi kuning. Merokok juga berkontribusi pada osteoporosis atau pengeroposan tulang. Kalau sudah begitu, tubuh tidak lagi tegap. Dan yang lebih penting, merokok dapat menyebabkan impotensi. Apa itu yang namanya macho/sexy?
Mitos 2: Berhenti merokok bisa membuat saya gemukBertambanya berat badan banyak dialami orang yang mencoba berhenti merokok. Hal ini terjadi karena kebiasaan menghisap rokok kini berganti dengan makan. Namun dengan merencanakan diit gizi yang sehat dan meningkatkan aktivitas akan membantu kita memecahkan masalah ini. Bahkan, dengan olahraga, tidak hanya masalah berat badan saja yang dapat diatasi, namun stamina dan kapasitas paru yang hilang ketika merokok juga dapat dikembalikan.
Mitos 3: Saya akan berhenti ketika saya hamilMungkin akan lebih sulit untuk hamil bila anda merokok karena merokok adalah penyebab mayor dari infertilitas. Wanita yang merokok memiliki resiko keguguran dan komplikasi selama kehamilan yang meningkat.
Mitos 4: Merokok tidak melukai orang lain selain diri sendiriSalah! Bila merokok di sekitar orang lain, anda telah menyakit mereka terutama yang memiliki asma, penyakit jantung, alergi atau anak-anak. Perokok pasif juga mempunyai resiko yang meningkat seperti pada perokok aktif.
Mitos 5: Saya masih muda, saya akan berhenti merokok beberapa tahun lagiHampir semua perokok aktif mulai merokok ketika masih muda. Dan kebanyakan dari mereka berharap dapat berhenti beberapa tahun kemudian. Namun kebanyakan masih merokok setelah lima tahun ke depan.
Mitos 6: Hanya satu rokok sehari kokMerokok tidaklah aman sekalipun hanya 1 rokok dalam sehari. Setiap rokok mengandung sekitar 1 sampai 2 miligram nikotin yang dapat mencapai otak setelah 10 detik dihirup. Segera setelah tiupan pertama adrenalin akan sibuk meningkatkan tekanan darah, denyut jantung dan nafas anda.
Mitos 7: Rokok saya “light”, jadi ya ga masalahMunurut Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Amerika Serikat, rokok “light” memiliki kandungan yang sama dengan rokok pada umumnya, termasuk lead, ammonia, benzene, DDT, gas butane, carbon monoxide, arsenic dan polonium 210.
Mitos 8: Kanker Payudara adalah kanker pembunuh nomor 1 pada wanitaTet tot! Yang benar adalah kanker paru. Meningkatnya angka kematian akibat kanker paru berhubungan langsung dengan meningkatnya rate dari merokok. Merokok juga merupakan resiko mayor pada penyakit jantung, si pembunuh nomor satu.
Mitos 9: Merokok dapat memperbaiki moodBeberapa orang percaya rokok dapat menambah semangat, namun itu dapat menurunkan moodmu. Jika anda sedang down atau depresi, rokok dapat menempatkan anda pada resiko yang lebih tinggi untuk depresi, hiperaktivitas, dan attention deficit disorder. Seperti pada penelitian terbaru disebutkan, remaja yang merokok memiliki resiko 4 kali yang lebih besar untuk mengalami depresi dari remaja yang tidak merokok.
Mitos 10: Mengunyah tembakau adalah aman karena tidak melalui inhalasiBukan hanya kanker paru yang dapat membunuh. Mereka yang mengunyah tembakau memiliki resiko untuk kanker pada rongga mulut, yang dapat mengenai lidah, bibir dan gusi. Seperti pada merokok, lebih cepat berhenti lebih besar kesempatan anda untuk meloloskan diri dari penyakit-penyakit tersebut.
Be Healthy, Be Happy!
Krockover, M. “Smoking Myths”.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Tobacco information and prevention sources: Facts you should know” November 2000.
Psyche Pascual. “Top Ten Myths About Smoking”.
Total Health

CLEANSING | Removes harmful toxins in order to achieve a clean and harmonious body. |
BALANCING | Provides balanced and sufficient nutrients to the body. |
ACTIVATING | Provides balanced nutrients to enable the body cells to normalise. |
DEFENDING | Activating process and cleansing is repeated for 6 months and enables our body to become healthy and strong. |
Six Major Factors Which Affect Our Health - AIR, WATER, FOOD & BEVERAGES, SLEEP, EXERCISE, EMOTIONS
Propolis Platinum
Products - Health Food - PROPOLIS PLATINUM
Propolis Platinum is a non-alcoholic liquid propolis from Brazil , which is renowned for producing the best green propolis in the world. The quality of propolis depends on its country origin. Different colors of propolis such as brown, yellow, green indicate its grades in quality. The best quality is the Brazilian green propolis, which has the richest plant life diversity in the world.
According to Dr. Kishita in his book entitled ‘The Wonder Treatment of Propolis’, an analysis on the propolis of various countries revealed that propolis from Brazil, especially from the resins of Eucalyptus is the best quality.
Collected by bees from the unpolluted Brazilian tropical rainforest, propolis is a natural resin produced by bees to strengthen and protect their hives from infections. Scientific research has showed that regular use of propolis helps to strengthen the body’s immune system and therefore plays an important role in our general well being.
Functions of Propolis Platinum
Propolis Platinum is rich in bioflavonoid content. Bioflavonoids stimulate white blood cells that help to improve the body’s immune system. The flavonoids contained in Propolis Platinum are plant compounds that have high quality antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Benefits of Propolis Platinum
Propolis Platinum stimulates the production of antibodies that help strengthen the body’s immune system. Propolis Platinum helps to ease sore and irritated throats, fight gum and teeth disorders, helps to prevent cold, gastrointestinal infections and etc. It can also help to improve from respiratory problems and assists in healing minor wounds when applied orally
Propolis Platinum
- Aktivitas antibakteri
Propolis terkenal karena memiliki kualitas dan aktivitas antibiotik alami yang tinggi. Propolis dapat dengan efektif menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri jahat, jamur dan virus. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh para ahli kesehatan, mereka menyetujui bahwa propolis cukup kuat dalam menghambat pertumbuhan mikro-organisme yang merugikan.
- Aktivitas antivirus
Para ahli kesehatan menemukan bahwa propolis efektif menghentikan aktivitas virus pada kelenjar ludah, termasuk virus tipe A dan tipe B yang menyebabkan Flu, Corona virus dan jenis-jenis virus lainnya.
- Aktivitas anti jamur
Ekstrak Propolis dapat menghambat pertumbuhan 17 jenis jamur pada kulit. Pada saat digunakan bersama-sama dengan obat-obatan anti jamur, ia memiliki efek anti jamur yang lebih baik.
- Aktivitas sitotoksik
Propolis memiliki aktivitas sitotoksik yang sangat besar terhadap sel kanker termasuk sel kanker pada hidung, rahim, payudara, ginjal, usus besar, dan lain-lain. Aktivitas Propolis yang utama adalah propolis secara selektif membunuh sel yang tidak normal dan tidak akan menyebabkan efek toksik terhadap pertumbuhan sel normal.
- Antioksidan
Kandungan flavonoid dalam propolis memiliki kekuatan antioksidan dan sudah terbukti dapat melawan radikal bebas serta melindungi lemak dan komponen-komponen lain seperti vitamin C dari kerusakan dan proses oksidasi. Dan kemungkinan yang lain Propolis memberikan efek sebagai anti penuaan dan mencegah kerusakan sel.
- Mengaktifkan enzim dan anti-inflamasi
Propolis terbukti merangsang berbagai macam enzim, metabolisme sel, sirkulasi dan pembentukan kolagen, serta mempercepat proses penyembuhan pada luka bakar.
- Dewasa : 2 x 4-5 tetes/hari sebelum makan dilarutkan dalam 250 ml air.
- Anak-anak : 2 x 2-3 tetes/hari sebelum makan dilarutkan dalam 250 ml air.
- 1 box isi 5 botol @ 6 ml.
- 1 box kemasan tunggal 6 ml.

K-Liquid Chlorophyll’s three main benefits:
- Cleansing - refers to detoxification and eliminating impurities from our body.
- Regulating - balances the hormones, acid and alkaline in our body.
- Nourishing - provides nutrients for healthy blood to increase the oxygen level and red blood count.
What is Chlorophyll?
Chlorophyll is life’s natural elixir contained in the green pigment of plants. In the process known as “photosynthesis”, chlorophyll in green plants traps and stores the energy of sunlight, together with carbon dioxide in the air, water and minerals from the soil to produce food. The energy is required to convert water and carbon dioxide into glucose – the chief source of energy for living organisms.
Why choose Alfalfa?
Alfalfa is chosen because it contains 4 times the chlorophyll of other vegetables. Its roots grow deep into the soil to absorb minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium and etc.
One table spoon of K-Liquid Chlorophyll is equivalent to 1 kg of vegetable consumption. It is a natural source of nutrient that is vital in stimulating good health.
Fights Free Radicals to Reduce Wrinkles & Aging
The chlorophyll in alfalfa contains antioxidants, which can help reduce free radicals in our body. Free radicals weaken our body, making us more susceptible to sickness. Free radicals are an active oxidized substance, generated by our own body through metabolism (breakdown of food and oxygen), that will destroy protein, lipid and DNA. It will affect normal cells to change and cause various diseases in the human body. Free radicals are a major contributor to ageing.
Chlorophyll is rich in:
Zinc –Zinc combines with vitamin A to promote good health
Selenium –Protects and energizes body cells
Vitamin E –Anti-ageing, nourishes skin and keeps the brain active
Vitamin C –Increases alertness and possesses anti-cancer properties
Vitamin A –Strengthens the heart’s function and improves vision.
Other nutrients include protein, biotin, folic acid, pantothenic acid and minerals such as calcium, cobalt, chromium, phosphorus, silicon, potassium, manganese, magnesium and iron.
Promotes Cell Regeneration and Boosts the Immune System
Dr. Richard Willstatter and Dr. Hans Fisher have in 1915 and 1930 respectively received the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Chemistry for discovering the molecular structure of human red blood cells and chlorophyll. Due to this, chlorophyll is shown to promote cell regeneration and reproduction as well as assist in building up the immune system.
Blood Production Property
Nobel Prize recipients, Dr. Richard Willstatter and Dr. Hans Fisher further discovered that the only difference between red blood cells and chlorophyll is that chlorophyll has a magnesium atom in its nucleus while red blood cells have iron. Thus, chlorophyll can help in cases of anemia and other blood deficiency conditions.
Cleanses Body of Pesticides and Drug Residue Toxins
Nutritionist Prof. Bernard Jensen pointed out that chlorophyll is effective in reducing toxin caused by pesticides and drug residue by purging them from the body. He further observed that healthy people generally have higher blood counts compared to the sick. However, after high consumption of chlorophyll, the sick showed an increase in blood count and improved health.
Reduces the Body’s Problems
Scientist Offen Krantz found that chlorophyll is highly beneficial to patients with stomach ulcers. Chlorophyll complements the medication prescribed by doctors for stomach ulcers.
Improves Skin Problems, Beautifies Complexion
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Asia's Market Fall after Wall Street
Pedestrians watch a market board in Tokyo on Thursday, as Japan's Nikkei plunged more than 10 percent.
Pedestrians watch a market board in Tokyo on Thursday, as Japan's Nikkei plunged more than 10 percent.
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Hong Kong's Hang Seng slumped 6.5 percent in early trading, as did as did South Korea's KOSPI index. Australia's All Ordinaries index fell nearly 6 percent. The Shanghai Composite fell 3.5 percent.
At midday, Japan's Nikkei was down more than 9 percent.
On Wednesday the Dow Jones fell 733 points, or 7.9 percent, to 8,577, the second largest daily point loss ever, behind the 777-point loss on September 29. The Nasdaq lost 8.5 percent and the S&P nine percent.
The drop on Wall Street came amid the worst U.S. retail sales figures in three years, a surge in UK unemployment and predictions that recessions were unavoidable in the U.S. and Europe.
The FTSE 100 closed the day 7.16 percent down, while the CAC 40 in Paris lost 6.82 percent of its value and the German DAX 30 fell by 6.49 percent.
The falls came as EU leaders met in Brussels to hammer out the details of their $2.7 trillion banking bailout.
Leaders from the 27-nation European Union were meeting Wednesday and Thursday in the hope further agreement on their approaches will give markets more confidence. Video Watch what's transpired »
Don't Miss
* CNN/Money: Another huge Dow loss
* UK's unemployment rate surges
* Analysis: Europe must march to same tune
Proposals include a guarantee on bank deposits worth up to €100,000 ($136,760).
Britain, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Spain and Austria have already agreed to buy shares in banks and pump huge sums of money into lending markets in an effort to restore confidence and make credit readily available again. Read timeline of the crisis
Before the meeting, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said the world had to work together to solve the economic crisis and called for global talks this year to reform the world's financial system. Video Watch more on Brown's political recovery »
He said a global summit could be held in the next few months despite lack of agreement among international leaders.
Brown appealed to the other countries to join Europe's bailout plan, which he said was key to unfreezing bank lending and softening any economic downturn stemming from the difficulties banks were having.
The U.S. federal government has a similar plan to get capital directly into banks by buying their stock.
U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke warned Wednesday the economy will take some time to recover even if the credit markets return to normal soon.
"Stabilization of the financial markets is a critical first step, but even if they stabilize as we hope they will, broader economic recovery will not happen right away." he said.
European Commission head Jose Manuel Barroso has called for supervision of hedge funds and private equity, and action against "short-termism" and "perverse incentives."
Barroso said some governments still opposed a more coordinated European approach. Video Watch European Central Bank chief discuss the crisis »
"I hope that now the spirits are more open to the need for that more coordinated approach."
Leaders of EU nations outside the euro-zone -- such as Sweden, Denmark and Poland -- are being asked to endorse the banking rescue package.
The Czech Republic and some other eastern EU countries are complaining about the plan however, arguing they cannot afford to offer the same level of guarantees to account holders as richer EU members.
Dow plunges 733 on a new disheartening Economic data
The daylong sell-off came as retailers reported the biggest drop in sales in three years and as a Federal Reserve snapshot showed Americans are spending less and manufacturing is slowing around the country.
Piling up losses in a rough final hour of trading, the Dow ended the day down nearly 8 percent — its steepest drop since one week after Black Monday in 1987. The Dow has wiped out all but about 127 points of its record-shattering 936-point gain on Monday of this week.
Earlier this week, after governments around the world announced plans to use trillions of dollars to prop up banks, including a U.S. plan to buy about $250 billion in bank stocks, the market had appeared to be turning around — or at least calming down.
Instead, relentless selling gave the Dow its 20th triple-digit swing in the past 23 trading sessions, an unprecedented run of volatility. The Dow has finished higher on only one day this month. The loss of 733 points is the second-worst ever for the average, topped only by a 778-point decline Sept. 29.
The plunge in stocks put the nation's economic anxiety front-and-center as the two major presidential candidates, Sens. Barack Obama and John McCain, prepared for their final debate Wednesday night in Hempstead, N.Y.
In the meantime, the man they each hope to succeed met with his Cabinet. President Bush predicted "in the long run that this economy will come back."
Bush plans to speak on the financial crisis early Friday — before the markets open — at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce headquarters across from the White House. Officials said the speech wasn't intended to put forward new policy actions, but president would instead give a more detailed explanation of what the government is doing — and why — to combat the crisis.
Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke expressed confidence that the government's radical efforts to stabilize the financial system and induce banks to lend again will eventually help the economy.
But Bernanke warned that even if the financial markets level off, the nation will not snap back to economic health quickly.
"Stabilization of the financial markets is a critical first step, but even if they stabilize as we hope they will, broader economic recovery will not happen right away," Bernanke told the Economic Club of New York.
Paulson, making the rounds of network TV morning shows, struck a similar note. "This will take time. There will be challenges," he said on ABC's "Good Morning America."
Some analysts believe the economy jolted into reverse in the recently ended third quarter, while others predict it will shrink later this year or early next. The classic definition of a recession is back-to-back quarters of shrinking economic activity.
Two gloomy economic reports showed that the debate at this point is merely semantic.
The Fed's snapshot of business conditions around the nation, known as the Beige Book, showed economic activity weakening across all of the Fed's 12 regional districts. Consumer spending — which accounts for more than two-thirds of economic activity — slumped in most Fed regions. Manufacturing also slowed in most areas.
As shoppers cut back, retail sales dropped sharply in September. The 1.2 percent decline was the biggest in three years. Retail sales have fallen for three months in a row, the first time that's happened since the government began keeping comparable records in 1992.
Analysts had expected only a 0.7 percent decline. And as Americans watch their nest eggs shrink before their eyes on days like Wednesday on Wall Street, there's little reason to expect they will shop with gusto anytime soon.
Leaders of the world's top economic powers, the Group of Eight, said they would meet "in the near future" for a global summit to tackle the financial crisis. The group comprises the United States, Japan, Germany, France, Britain, Italy, Canada and Russia.
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said the meeting could be held as soon as next month. He said the discussions should include not only the world's richest nations but also major emerging economies such as China and India.
"I believe there is scope for agreement in the next few days that we will have an international meeting to take common action ... for very large and very radical changes," Brown told reporters before a meeting with other European Union leaders for talks in Brussels on the financial crisis.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy also called for a G-8 meeting.
Merkel said reform was needed so that "something like this can never happen again," while Sarkozy said the meeting should be held in New York, "where everything started."
The current financial crisis began more than a year ago in the United States when lax lending standards on certain home mortgages came home to roost. Foreclosures skyrocketed, mortgage securities soured and financial companies racked up huge losses.
Credit remained strained Wednesday, and investors' appetite for super-safe investments stayed high. The three-month Treasury bill's yield slipped. Low yields show that investors are willing to earn meager returns as long as their investment is preserved.
Key lending rates between banks in the U.S. and Europe only inched down after major central banks offered the banking sector unlimited amounts of short-term loans in dollars. The move was meant to keep credit markets flowing while lenders regain confidence.
There was a dose of good news Wednesday: Oil prices dipped below $75 a barrel for the first time in nearly 14 months, suggesting gas prices will keep falling. Oil prices have now plunged almost 50 percent since peaking at $147.27 in mid July.
Associated Press writers Pan Pylas in London, Madlen Read and Patrick Rizzo in New York and Deb Riechmann, Christopher S. Rugaber and Martin Crutsinger in Washington contributed to this report.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Google Translate
Bagi kalangan blogger yang mengikuti program paid review mungkin hal ini sangat membantu lebih-lebih seperti saya yang modal bahasa inggrisnya Cuma sedengkul. Dan dibandinggan dengan kamus elektrik, tools ini sangat membantu karena dapat menterjemahkan dalam satu kalimat bahkan satu halaman website.
Tetapi namanya juga mesin, kita tetap harus meneliti hasil terjemahan apabila ada kalimat yang terdengar aneh atau asing, paman google ini tetap saja “oon”
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Friday, October 10, 2008
Tempat Penukaran Uang Dibanjiri Pengunjung
Di tempat penukaran valuta asing PT Ayu Mas Agung, Jakarta Pusat, misalnya. Patauan Metro TV, Jumat (10/10), lonjakan pengunjung di tempat itu bisa mencapai 100 persen dibandingkan kondisi normal.
Sebelum krisis ekonomi di Amerika Serikat, yang datang untuk menukarkan uang ke tempat itu cuma 50 orang per hari. Sekarang bisa mencapai 100 orang per hari.
Pengunjung umumnya menukarkan dolar AS. Pagi tadi, nilai beli dolar AS Rp 9.725. Sementara nilai jual Rp 9.755 per US$. Tapi setengah jam kemudian nilai tukar berfluktuasi.(***)
Panic strangles Asia stocks; yen firm
A synchronized cut in borrowing costs by central banks around the world this week was seen as too little, too late, and investors doubted a meeting of the Group of Seven rich nations later on Friday could achieve much, with fears growing that the global economy is headed toward recession.
U.S. government debt and the yen have become refuges from the worsening financial crisis that overnight knocked the U.S. S&P 500 stocks index down 7.6 percent to a 5-year low. But cash was ultimately king, with even Japanese government bonds being liquidated for funding.
Fears of a sharp slowdown in demand for raw materials from heavy consumers like China and the United States dragged oil prices down to a 12-month low below $83 a barrel.
"It's impossible to predict the bottom, and technical analysis is meaningless as panic and fear overwhelm the markets," said Jang Huh, managing director at Prudential Asset Management in Seoul.
The Nikkei share average was down 10.1 percent, bringing the week's losses to more than 20 percent.
Unlisted Yamato Life Insurance Co filed for bankruptcy protection because of market turmoil, shocking investors who had thought Asia's financial sector, especially Japan's, was relatively stable compared with Europe and the United States.
The MSCI index of Asia-Pacific stocks excluding Japan was down 7.7 percent to its lowest since January 2005, and has fallen 21 percent this week alone. The all-country world stocks index fell to the lowest since November 2003.
Hong Kong's Hang Seng index dropped 7 percent to a near three-year low. The market value of companies listed on the index has lost almost half its value since the year began.
Singapore's Straits Times index fell more than 6.6 percent, and data confirmed one of Asia's richest economies was in a recession.
The Chicago Board Options Exchange Volatility index (VIX), seen as a gauge of investor fear, hit an all-time high of 64.92, as investors scrambled to buy increasingly expensive protection against erratic price action.
With global equity markets declining with brutal swiftness, investors have rushed to U.S. Treasury debt despite weakness in recent days on expectations for a glut of new issuance.
The 10-year note rose 6/32 in price, taking its yield to 3.76 percent from 3.78 percent. Rates on one-month T-bills fell to just 0.046 percent, from 0.080 on Thursday and 1.55 percent as recently as September 11, as the very short end of the market continued to act as a source of funding with other avenues all but shut down.
Credit markets were nearly broken. The cost of protection against defaults in Asia's sovereign and corporate debt soared to record highs, traders said.
The iTRAXX Asia ex-Japan high-yield index, a key measure of risk aversion for the region's "junk"-rated credit, soared about 90 basis points to a record 890/940 bps, a Singapore-based fund manager said. But traders warned of little activity in the credit markets, which tends to magnify price differences.
Extreme market volatility stoked talk that the major central banks would have to reduce interest rates again, just days after a concerted round of cuts led by the Federal Reserve and European Central Bank. There were also reports the U.S. Treasury was under intense pressure to inject funds directly into commercial banks.
"It highlights the enormity of the issue and the problem faced by the G7," said Adam Carr, a senior economist at broker ICAP in Sydney. "Given the muted response in markets, certainly I think more rate cuts are to come, as ineffective as they are proving. Lets hope the G7 propose a good dose of fiscal medicine to the real economy as well."
Whether or not global policymakers have anything more planned, time was running thin.
The spread of 3-month London interbank offered rates over the 3-month U.S. Treasury bill yield widened to 426 bps, increasing more than 300 bps in the last month, with cash being hoarded and practically no lending between banks.
Japanese government bonds plunged as much as 1.99 points to 136.47, with investors in a frantic rush to secure cash with domestic money markets succumbing to the freeze around the world.
The euro slid to a three-year low of 132.80 yen before trimming losses to 133.88 yen. The U.S. dollar hit a six-month low of 97.91 yen before clawing back to 98.97 yen.
U.S. crude oil futures fell 5.2 percent to a 12-month low of $82.10 a barrel on concerns the growing financial crisis would sap fuel demand from countries like China.
The slowdown in the country's property and manufacturing sectors means it will take time to work through its metals and other raw materials stockpiles.
"With a steady stream of negative news dampening sentiment across the commodities complex, market players are hoping for supportive government measures to arrest the decline in commodity and equity prices," said Jing Ulrich, managing director and chairman of China equities with JPMorgan in Hong Kong.
Spot gold rose $2.50 to $914 an ounce as investors search for assets that might be safe havens from the sharp fall on equity markets.
Saham Dua Raksasa Otomotif AS Jatuh
Saham mereka melorot setelah Standard and Poor`s Rating Service atau Lembaga Rating AS memutuskan bakal mempertimbangkan kembali nilai rating kedua perusahaan itu. Hal ini guna mengantisipasi kemungkinan turunnya harga saham.
Adapun saham General Motor turun US$ 2,26 atau 33 persen di posisi US$ 4,65. Hingga akhirnya saham tersebut rada naik di posisi US$ 4,76.
Penurunan ini turut menyumbang kejatuhan saham industri mobil di Dow Jones. Rata-rata penurunannya lebih dari 600 poin. Ini merupakan level terendah dalam lima tahun belakangan.
Kamis kemarin juga merupakan keenam harinya kejatuhan General Motor. September silam saham mereka juga sempat turun 50 persen dari penutupan di posisi US$ 9,45.
Analisa Lembaga Riset Harga Sekuritas Universitas Chicago menyatakan Kamis kemarin adalah titik terendah dari harga saham industri automotif Detroit. Terakhir kejatuhan terparah terjadi pada 1950.(**)
Presiden: Jangan Katakan Indonesia Sudah Alami Krisis Ekonomi
Presiden pada peresmian Masjid Bani Umar di Graha Bintaro Raya, Kabupaten Tangerang, Propinsi Banten, Jumat, mengingatkan agar jangan terlalu cepat mengatakan Indonesia sudah mengalami krisis ekonomi.
Sebelum mengakhiri sambutan peresmian masjid yang diprakarsai Keluarga Mantan Wapres Umar Wirahadikusumah itu, Presiden sempat menyampaikan pernyataan tentang kondisi perekonomian Indonesia.
"Sebelum akhiri sambutan, saya ingin sampaikan satu hal. Dewasa ini, dunia sedang alami krisis pasar modal, krisis keuangan, belum dapat dikatakan krisis ekonomi, apalagi untuk negara kita," kata Presiden.
Seperti disampaikan Presiden sejak Senin, 6 Oktober 2008, Presiden kembali meminta agar pelaku pasar tetap tenang, rasional, berpikir jernih sambil berusaha mencari jalan keluar agar Indonesia tidak terganggu dampak krisis keuangan global.
Presiden juga mengingatkan, kondisi pasar modal hanya mempengaruhi, tetapi tidak menggambarkan seluruh situasi perekonomian Indonesia.
Presiden meminta dukungan dari semua pihak agar tenang dan berpikir jernih bersama pemerintah, Bank Indonesia (BI) dan dunia usaha untuk memastikan bahwa pengaruh krisis global terhadap perekonomian Indonesia dapat diminimalkan.
Selaku Presiden, dia berjanji untuk tetap memprioritaskan program-program perlindungan bagi rakyat dan memproteksi ekonomi rakyat.
"Kita punya anggaran yang cukup dari kementerian dan lembaga negara untuk menggerakkan pembangunan infrastruktur di seluruh Indonesia yang juga menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan," kata Presiden.
Presiden menjelaskan, program untuk melindungi ekonomi rakyat pada 2008 dianggarkan Rp290 triliun. Dari jumlah itu, sudah dikucurkan Rp173 triliun selama periode Januari sampai Oktober 2008.
"Oktober ini sudah saya instruksikan dikeluarkan Rp25,9 miliar. Itu likuiditas yang cukup besar. Sisanya akan terus dialirkan agar pembangunan terus berlangsung," kata Presiden.
Presiden menambahkan, sektor riil di negara mana pun pasti terpengaruh oleh krisis keuangan global. Namun, pemerintah dan dunia usaha tetap berusaha agar sektor riil di Indonesia tetap bergerak. (Ant/OL-01)
Rupiah Melemah Warga Ramai-Ramai Jual Emas
Dalam sehari, ada sekitar 20 hingg 25 orang yang menjual emas, kata salah satu pemilik toko emas di kawasan Jalan Kosambi Bandung, Buana Tanu Jaya, Jumat (10/10).
"Kalau sekarang kecenderunganya lebih banyak yang jual emas daripada yang beli," katanya.
Menurut Buana Tanu Jaya, alasan orang lebih banyak yang menjual emas daripada membeli disebabkan posisi nilai tukar rupiah yang melemah terhadap dolar serta krisis keuangan di Amerika Serikat .
Harga emas pun saat ini mengalami kenaikan sekitar tujuh hingga 10%. Harga emas di pasaran saat ini sekitar Rp220 ribu per gram.
Ia mengatakan, jumlah warga yang menginvestasikan uangnya dalam bentuk emas logam mulia batangan, juga mengalami peningkatan. Biasanya dalam sehari ada orang yang berminat membeli emas logam mulia jumlahnya hanya satu atau dua orang, namun dalam sepekan ini, jumlahnya
meningkat menjadi di atas lima orang per harinya.
Salah seorang pengunjung yang hendak menjual emas, Yati, mengatakan, alasan dirinya menjual kalung emasnya saat ini karena ia bisa mendapat keuntungan lebih dari penjualan emas tersebut. Saat ia membeli perhiasan itu, harag emas saat itu Rp185 ribu per gram. Akan tetapi, saat ia menjual, harganya bertambah menjadi Rp215 ribu. (Ant/OL-01)
Rupiah menukik, Jakarta: Nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dolar Amerika Serikat makin payah. Rupiah pada, Jumat (10/10) siang, diperdagangkan Rp 9.750 per US$. Jumlah ini melorot 160 poin dibanding transaksi pagi tadi.
Celakanya nilai tukar rupiah akan terus menukik seiring anjloknya indeks harga saham gabungan (IHSG). Sejauh ini upaya Bank Indonesia untuk menjaga rupiah belum ada pengaruhnya.(***)
Indeks Nikkei Terus Melorot, Tokyo: Bursa saham Asia kembali ambruk bersamaan dengan jatuhnya Nikkei Jepang lebih dari 10 persen, Jumat (10/10) pagi. Bahkan posisi Nikkei sempat kritis karena anjlok 11,4 persen.
Hari ini, indeks Nikkei rata rata turun 10,6 persen. Kondisi ini dipicu oleh aksi lepas saham Osaka Stock Exchange yang akhirnya menunda sementara perdagangan. Otoritas di Jepang menghitung kerugian pada pekan ini lebih dari 20 persen.
Pasar saham di Korea Selatan juga kembang kempis. Saham Korea Composite Stock Price (Kopsi) jatuh 7,1 persen atau sekitar 92,05 poin setelah perdagangan dibuka selama satu jam. Bahkan pagi tadi Kospi sempat jatuh 9 persen.(***)
Penutupan BEI Dinilai Tepat, Jakarta: Sebagian besar pelaku pasar saham bisa memahami keputusan pemerintah memperpanjang masa suspend Bursa Efek Indonesia. Perhitungan mereka, kalau BEI dipaksakan dibuka, pasar bursa di Indonesia bisa hancur.
"Saya bisa memahami," kata analisis pasar, David Ferdinandus kepada Metro TV, Jumat (10/10) sekitar pukul 09.30 WIB. Apalagi, David menilai, suspend lebih banyak dipengaruhi oleh faktor eksternal.
Revorlt Wenas, analisis pasar lainnya, sependapat. Menurut dia, BEI memang harus ditutup dari pada pasar dicaplok habis para spekulan. Apalagi spekulan biasanya memiliki cadangan dana lebih besar dari pada yang diperkiraan.
Ketua Asosiasi Emiten Indonesia, Erlangga Hartanto pun mengatakan, BEI memang tak bisa dipaksakan dibuka hari ini. Bila dipaksakan pasar saham Indonesia bakal ambruk.
Namun Erlangga mewanti-wanti suspend tak boleh berlangsung sampai Senin pekan depan. "Apapun BEI harus dibuka Senin depan. Para analis pasti sudah mengevaluasi keadaan," ujar Erlangga. Dia juga mengingatkan agar pelaku pasar tetap tenang menyikapi persoalan ini.(***)